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Premium brands

4000+ high quality products

Direct from the importer
Vlieseline - for everything inside a craft project
Freudenberg (itself a 174 years old company) founded the Vlieseline / Vilene brands 75 years ago. For creatives the world over, Vilene, Vliesofix, Decovil, H630 and Vlieseline's many other brands and products have become a household name and sewing room staple.
Did you know over 60 different Vlieseline interlining, batting, wadding and adhesive products are available here in Australia and through our website?
Prym - an almost 500 year old company with thousands of creative products
Prym - one of the oldest companies in the world - does just about everything a creative might want. Press fasteners, scissors and cutting tools, pins and needles, storage solutions, and way more. You'll want to set aside some time to check out the full range we are stocking here in Australia.
Another German company that produces exceptional products, Prym has a massive global presence in the creative haberdashery space. We hope it can grow here in Australia so we can expand on the almost 500 products we have already started stocking.